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Recommended Products

Here are the oral hygiene products our doctors recommend our patients. These are the same products our family and staff use, too.

(Note: The products link to Amazon.com. We are not affiliates or paid for these recommendations.)

Waterpik Cordless

Listerine Ultraclean Floss

Plackers Flossers


Regular Head


Compact Head


Kids and Travel

Oral-B Electric

(We prefer manual toothbrushes.)

Periosciences Hydrating Mouthrinse

Periosciences Hydrating Toothpaste

Periosciences Dental Gel

CariFree Fluoride Toothpaste

CariFree CTx3 Mouthrinse

DrTung's Tongue Cleaner

Epic Dental Xylitol Sweetened Breath Mints

Epic Dental Xylitol Sweetened Bubblegum

Oracoat Xylimelts

Dry Mouth Relief

CariFree CTx2 Oral Moisturizer Spray

Prescription Required

These products are for high-risk, cavity-prone patients.

(Note: There is a limited supply available at our office.)

CariFree CTx4 Treatment Mouth Rinse

CariFree CTx4 5000 Toothpaste